Do you want to know how to land your dream job?
How about make more money, too?
The secret is to become a person who overdelivers in value.
When you overdeliver in value to your job (or business), you become a person of excellence.
You attract money and opportunities.
You move out of the time and effort economies and into the value economy.
I remember when I first learned this.
Overnight, I changed.
I used to complain about my job. I used to look forward to 5pm and the weekends.
I thought it was my job’s job to make me happy.
I was wrong.
When I stopped thinking about time and effort and started focusing on how I could provide more value, everything changed for the better.
I started to love my work. I overdelivered at my job.
I became someone who goes “all in” with whatever job I’m doing.
I created opportunity in my mind first.
Then, it became my reality.
In this episode, I show you how to land your dream job and make more money.
Here are more of my favorite resources for landing your dream job and making more money:
- How To Land Your Dream Job (And Make More Money) (blog post)
- Money Mindset For Her (course)
- Money Mindset Free Course (free training)
- Design Your Dream Year From Your Future (podcast)
- How To Create A Five Year Plan (Who Are You Becoming?) (blog post)
- How Much Money Can You Really Make? (podcast)
The post How To Land Your Dream Job (And Make More Money) appeared first on Natalie Bacon.