I’ve made over $165k from my online business this year.
I knew absolutely nothing about business, marketing, blogging, or making money online a few years ago.
I didn’t grow up around entrepreneurs. I didn’t grow up selling lemonade, with an entrepreneurial spirit.
I grew up wanting to be a lawyer. I always wanted to be a lawyer.
Until I didn’t.
I quit practicing law. I became a financial planner. I quit financial planning. I became an online entrepreneur.
At each step of the way, I’m creating my future from my imagination, not my past.
I don’t know what I’m doing. But I’m doing it. I’m taking action and figuring it out as I go.
What is it that you want from your future? What do you think is possible? If you could do or be anything?
Take a look at your life. Your home, your family, your job, your health, your money. You created all of it with your mind.
No matter where you are in your life right now, it’s time to start dreaming again.
There is no downside to possibility thinking.
You will grow, learn, and/or succeed. You won’t stay the same.
That’s what you can discover how to do in this episode.
Here are more of my favorite resources on possibility:
- How I Created A Six Figure Business Out Of My Imagination (blog post)
- Dream Year: How To Accomplish Your #1 Goal This Year And Feel Good Doing It (book + workbook)
- Personal Development Free Course (free training)
- Personal Development For Her (course)
The post What Is Possible? appeared first on Natalie Bacon.