Have you ever been instantly inspired? You feel so connected and in sync that you feel like you could not nor would you say or do the exact same thing differently? I can’t tell if I’m so easily excitable and inspired or if everyone is like this! And so many different things inspire me that sometimes it’s hard to keep track.
I am inspired by people, including my incredibly driven grandpa who is a retired dentist and has made more out of retirement than anyone I know (I joined twitter only after my grandpa talked to me about it years ago – true story); and by my brother, who is in his second year of his ophthalmology residency and is constantly reaching above and beyond all expectations set for him at the young age of 27. I’m also inspired by the books I read and the podcasts I listen to.
On my way into work last week, I was listening to the Knowledge for Men podcast with Andrew Ferebee (I do listen to this podcast a lot and recognize it’s targeted toward men, but really, it’s an excellent source of inspiration from successful entrepreneurs that I recommend to everyone who is driven). Anyways, Ferebee interviewed Grant Cardone, New York Times bestselling author, in this episode, number 81, and I was immediately inspired. So inspired that I wrote this post promptly after listening to the episode because if he instantly inspired me, maybe what he had to say will inspire you, too.
Your Purpose
In this podcast, Grant Cardone talked a lot about having a purpose, which is carried out mainly by having goals. Cardone said that he writes down his goals twice a day, every day (morning and night). He has daily targets he tries to accomplish and lists the successes he achieves. He doesn’t try to hit all of his goals (that would be impossible even in his lifetime), but the point is to hit some targets daily. He says that “not even my kids are more important to me than my goals.” – gasp!
The point is that there is nothing that can be more important than your own purpose, which drives you internally. It’s inside of you, so nothing external can be as important. You’ll be a better person to your loved ones, including your kids, if you’re following your purpose because you’ll be internally fulfilled, not to mention excited about life. If you’re following your purpose and goals, you’ll “be on fire” every day, says Cardone. It’s not specifically about money nor is it about accomplishing as much as possible. It’s about being excited and passionate about your work and giving your all.
20 Grant Cardone quotes that Will Inspire You to Greatness
Needless to say, after this podcast, I was so inspired and in tune with what Cardone said (excellent delivery; I highly recommend listening to this one), that I want to share with you the best Cardone quotes from this podcast. I tried to limit it to 10, but I just couldn’t. So, here are the 20 quotes from this podcast that inspired me…
- “Success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility… It’s not something to wish for; it’s not something to pray for; it’s not something to ask about; it’s a duty… Without it you will die.”
- “You don’t have enough when you don’t know if whatever you have is going to last long enough. That’s the real definition of not having enough. It is whatever your perception is.”
- “Most people just quit just before something was going to break.”
- “10 times the actions, 10 times the goals, and you’ll get everything you ever dreamed of.”
- “I create more time by making decisions about the things I want to do.”
- “The days and the weeks and months that you’re most lit up is when you’re full on purpose.”
- “Most people are dying at 20 and making it official at 80. Most people are living their life with nothing to brag or talk about.”
- “The people that are on purpose don’t burn [out].”
- “Burnout is an indication that you are now clearly off your purpose.”
- “If you’re not writing them [your goals] down every day, you don’t have a goal; you have a wish.”
- “Anybody that thinks a million dollars is a lot of money does not – never has had – a million dollars… because a million dollars is no money.”
- “You get rich connecting with opportunities that can produce and multiply money. You don’t get rich saving money… Missing opportunities is what costs people money.”
- “If you’ve ever been broke, you can be rich. Because it takes a lot of creativity to be broke.”
- “You better find it [your purpose], or you’re going to die every night… Money cannot solve this problem… You need a reason to get up every morning.”
- “Persist no matter what.”
- “Think big. There’s no reason to think small.”
- “Be willing to let go of everything – your home, your location, the clothes you wear, your name… Let it all go to go create what you want. Then you’re going to be better for everybody.”
- “You gotta be willing to walk away from people and let them grow up or not.”
- “Whatever you’re doing in life, commit all the way.”
- “If people don’t know you for your work ethic, you ain’t working.”
A Final Note!
Reading this post may or may not lead you to think about your goals or purpose more closely.