“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”
– Zig Ziglar
I am motivated almost all the time. People close to me know this about me and they think it’s something I was born with – my motivated energy is just the way I am.
But they’re wrong! My constant focus and motivation comes from listening to podcasts and reading books. But it’s podcasts that I listen to almost every day that keep me so motivated and focused on my goals.
Because your environment will never provide you with the consistent type of motivation you need, finding a regular source for motivation is critical to success. That’s why I highly recommend listening to podcasts. I don’t know why more people don’t!
Below is a list of the six podcast episodes that have motivated me the most. These podcasts are about motivation, success, happiness, and fulfillment. There’s certainly a place for fun podcasts and news podcasts, but the list below is specifically for motivation. They’re my faves!
1. Lessons Learned From A Real Estate Mogul
Knowledge for Men EPI 139 with Dean Graziosi
This episode is about finding your “why”. Andrew Ferebee interviews Dean Graziosi about personal growth and vision. This is the episode that really helped me understand what my “why” is. It has been the one episode to fuel me to keep going. I love this episode and listen to it whenever I need a boost. Make sure you listen to the whole episode – the end is the best part!
2. The Only Difference Between Success and Failure
Knowledge for Men EPI 81 with Grant Cardone
In this podcast episode, Grant Cardone talks with Andrew Ferebee about finding your purpose. Cardone explains that it’s your duty in life to be successful because it will light you up on fire and make you better in all your relationships. He says, without it you will die. Again, I listen to this episode whenever I want to be inspired. It doesn’t get old!
3. Lessons From the Shark Tank
Entreleadership EPI 131 with Daymond John
Daymond John talks about his book, The Power of Broke, in this podcast. But it’s not self-promotional – it’s genius. Daymond explains how starting from nothing is the most powerful place to be in because you learn everything at the bottom. As you work your way up this is critically important because you won’t be taken advantage of. You’ll know what real value is and what things really cost. I had a newfound respect for Daymond after this episode. I was empowered and learned something new. It’s a deep and powerful episode.
4. How Happiness Fuels Your Success
Entreleadership EPI 121 with Shawn Achor
Shawn Achor talks about how happiness directly impacts success in this episode. He doesn’t just talk generalizations – he gives data on how actually being happier will yield results in your work. If you are geared toward negativity or sarcasm, this podcast episode may help you reconsider. Even as someone who really aims to be happy, I had no idea how much my happiness affects my success until I listened to this podcast.
5. Tony Robbins’ Key to Success, Wealth, and Fulfillment
The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes EPI 109
Tony Robbins talks with Lewis Howes in this podcast episode about success, wealth, and personal fulfillment. I knew a lot about Tony Robbins before listening to this, but I hadn’t heard him talk. He is unbelievably inspiring. I thought he wouldn’t be able to live up to the hype, but he exceeded my expectations. He talks about his humble beginnings, the importance of giving, and how to be great. This episode is one for the books – it is absolutely inspiring.
6. The key to success? Grit
Angela Lee Duckworth, TED Talk
In this TED talk, Angela Lee Duckworth talks about what makes people succeed. She says that the best predictor of success is not intelligence. It’s grit. “Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals.” I listened to this and said “YES!” immediately. People always say how smart I am for passing the bar, but that’s not it at all. I actually am not amazing academically and work really hard and have a sense of grit that makes me unstoppable in pursuing my goals. If you’ve read Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, you know what I’m talking about – it’s the overconfidence and persistence to achieve anything. I feel really lucky to have it, and I encourage everyone else to seek it.
A Final Note!
Podcasts have changed my life. I’m not exaggerating. Because motivation doesn’t last, I need something to motivate me daily. Whether it’s in the car or at home while I’m getting ready, I try to get one podcast episode in every day to keep me focused, motivated, centered, and fulfilled.
I highly recommend using podcasts to help you stay motivated!
What podcasts inspire you?